
Here are some of my past and current projects. (non exhaustive!)

Current Link to heading

  • Matchups: Making a website to visualize character matchups in fighting games, as well as calculating optimal roster combinations for matchup coverage.
  • GENPC: RAG NPC creator and dialogue generation webapp with dynamic conversation triggers based on sentiment metrics.

Past projects Link to heading

  • Planet Generator: My first ever coding project. Customizable procedural planet generation in Unity with editor scrips and noise maps. Might come back to it to make a full plugin with new features, such as simulated water erosion, and gpu-based generation.
  • Fake News Corrector: [deprecated] Project for McGill’s MAIS 202 AI bootcamp. Experimental ML-based fake news detection and correciton using text-based neural networks, sentiment analysis and topic modelling. Ran as a standalone app or chrome extension. Returns a confidence score based on the tone and language used on a webpage. Returns list of alternative articles from trusted news sources with similar topics queried from News API for low confidence scores.